Give Me Another Series You S***
This session looks at the dark arts of securing a second series and the multitude of factors broadcasters consider when assessing the relative success of a first run series.
We’ll explore the importance of overnights and catch up ratings of course – but what other factors are at play and how can they help guide an Indie when pushing for recommission? Box-set-ability on an SVOD platform? Performance and engagement from social media? 3rd party funding? Repeatability? Where does the slider land for each broadcaster between subjective and objective evaluation? How many series are really recommissioned that have no positive data attached to them just because the channel believes in it? And is anyone willing to admit it?!
The session will look at what percentage of new series are actually recommissioned by the different channels and platforms – who backs their horses and who cuts their losses? How should indies be creatively designing and pitching shows which have more chance of delivering against channel’s various yardsticks for a successful launch?